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Getting started with Air-gapped Livepatch On-Prem on MicroK8s


Livepatch on-prem is a self-hosted version of the Livepatch server, enabling the delivery of patches to machines within network restricted environments. For security reasons, administrators may prefer to deploy Livepatch on-prem server in an air-gapped environment with restricted Internet access.

This tutorial will deploy the Livepatch on-prem server as a Kubernetes application in an air-gapped environment. We will deploy and configure the Livepatch on-prem server using Juju and Charmed Operators. Juju is an Open Source Charmed Operator Framework that controls the whole lifecycle of an application.

For this tutorial, we will use Microk8s, a lightweight tool for creating a local Kubernetes cluster. You don’t need previous knowledge of Juju or Charmed Operators to follow this guide and deploy Livepatch.

How does Livepatch on-prem work in an air-gapped environment?

Generally, in order to perform authentication/authorisation of machines and also fetching latest patches, the Livepatch on-prem server needs to communicate with the main Livepatch server hosted by Canonical. In an air-gapped environment, where such communication is not available, these functions have to be handled in an indirect way by using the following tools:

  • Air-gapped Ubuntu Pro Server is an on-prem deployable service that provides services related to Ubuntu Pro subscriptions in air-gapped environments. Livepatch on-prem can be integrated with this service to perform authentication/authorisation of machines and handle subscription-related functionalities.
  • Patch Downloader is a CLI tool that can be used to download the latest patch files from the Livepatch server. In an air-gapped setup, the administrators of Livepatch on-prem should use this tool to fetch the latest patches and then upload them to the configured patch storage. You can check out this topic on how to configure various types of storage for Livepatch on-prem. This topic explains how to use the Patch Downloader tool to fetch patches.

:information_source: When deploying air-gapped Livepatch on-prem on MicroK8s, it is best to configure the patch storage to something independently accessible within your infrastructure, like an S3/Swift bucket, instead of PostgreSQL or filesystem. This way, Livepatch administrators can independently download the latest patches via the Patch Downloader CLI tool and transfer them to the patch storage.

Deployment steps

In this tutorial, we use Multipass to create an Ubuntu virtual machine (VM) to deploy Livepatch and its dependencies on it. If not already installed, we can use the command below to install Multipass:

sudo snap install multipass

Step 1: Create a VM

Once Multipass is installed, you can create the VM for this tutorial by running the command below. This will create a VM, named livepatch-deploy with the sufficient resources.

multipass launch jammy --name livepatch-deploy --cpus 6 --memory 12G --disk 40G

Once the VM is created you need to open an interactive shell into it by running:

multipass shell livepatch-deploy

Step 2: Setup MicroK8s

To deploy Livepatch on-prem and the air-gapped Ubuntu Pro server, we would need Juju, MicroK8s, and LXD. The latter is already installed in the VM, so we just need the other two. To install MicroK8s, you need to use the following command:

sudo snap install microk8s --channel=1.30-strict/stable

Once the installation is done, you need to apply the following configurations to make it easier to use MicroK8s with the current user and the kubectl CLI tool:

sudo usermod -a -G snap_microk8s $USER
mkdir -p ~/.kube
chmod 0700 ~/.kube
newgrp snap_microk8s

The next step is to enable some required addons on your MicroK8s cluster. To do this, you need to run:

sudo microk8s enable rbac
sudo microk8s enable hostpath-storage
sudo microk8s enable ingress

Now, to make sure MicroK8s is up and running, try:

microk8s status --wait-ready

You should see an output like this, which means MicroK8s is ready to be used.

microk8s is running

Step 3: Setup Juju

In this tutorial, we use Juju 3.5, which can be installed by running:

sudo snap install juju --channel=3.5/stable

After the installation is done, we need to modify the MicroK8s client configuration file so that the API address is accessible to the Juju controllers we are going to create in the next steps. To do this, we need to run the following:

microk8s.config > /tmp/microk8s.config
sudo cp /tmp/microk8s.config /var/snap/microk8s/current/credentials/client.config
sudo snap restart microk8s

Now, we need to bootstrap two controllers; one on our MicroK8s cluster, and one one LXD. We will use the MicroK8s controller to deploy Livepatch on-prem, and the other to deploy the air-gapped Ubuntu Pro server.

To bootstrap a controller on LXD, we need to run:

juju bootstrap localhost pro-demo-controller

This might take a while to complete. After it is done, we can use a similar command to bootstrap a Juju controller on Microk8s:

juju bootstrap microk8s livepatch-demo-controller

After the completion of the above commands, you can checkout the available Juju controllers by running juju controllers which should print out the list of controllers like this:

$ juju controllers
Controller                  Model      User   Access     Cloud/Region         Models  Nodes    HA  Version
livepatch-demo-controller*  controller admin  superuser  microk8s/localhost        1      1     -  3.5.3  
pro-demo-controller         controller admin  superuser  localhost/localhost       1      1  none  3.5.3  

Step 4: Deploy Livepatch on-prem

First we need to create a Juju model to deploy Livepatch on-prem onto. To do this we need to run:

juju add-model livepatch

In order to deploy Livepatch on-prem, we can simply use the k8s/stable channel of the bundle charm. The bundle gives us all we need to deploy a working Livepatch on-prem server.

juju deploy canonical-livepatch-onprem --channel=k8s/stable --trust

Deploying the bundle takes a while to create the underlying pods/containers and integrating them to each other. We can check out the status of the model by running:

juju status --watch 5s

Once the status of the livepatch application changes to “patch-sync token not set…”, we are ready to continue.

:information_source: By default, the charm assumes an ordinary deployment of the Livepatch on-prem server (i.e., a non-air-gapped setup), and that is why it asks for a patch synchronisation token. Since this is an air-gapped deployment, you should ignore this message and proceed with integrating the charm with an air-gapped Ubuntu Pro server.

Before continuing with the air-gapped Ubuntu Pro server, we need to make sure the Livepatch on-prem server is accessible through a domain name. Depending on IP addresses is not a reliable solution when referencing applications deployed on Kubernetes from outside the cluster. The standard practice is to use a Kubernetes ingress.

To create the ingress resource on our model and point it to the running Livepatch server, we need to configure the nginx-ingress-integrator charm that is already deployed in our model under an application, named ingress:

juju config ingress

:information_source: Here, we used as the domain name, but this can be anything.

After applying the command it takes a little time to create the corresponding ingress resource on the MicroK8s cluster. As mentioned, we can track the status of the Juju model by using juju status --watch 5s.

Once the operation is finished, the ingress application status message will show the IP address at which the ingress resource is accessible with the domain name. Alternatively, we can see the IP address of the ingress resource by running:

microk8s kubectl get ingress -n livepatch

This will print out a single item like this:

NAME                                    CLASS    HOSTS                ADDRESS     PORTS   AGE
relation-6-livepatch-test-com-ingress   public   80      4d3h

As you can see the IP address to access the ingress resource is Note that depending on the network/MicroK8s configuration, the IP can differ from the loopback interface address we see in this case.

To finish this step, we need to add an entry to our VM’s /etc/hosts (mapping to to make our Livepatch on-prem server accessible to the air-gapped Ubuntu Pro server we are going to deploy in the next step.

:information_source: Note that in a real-world scenario, the air-gapped Ubuntu Pro server might be deployed on another node/VM. So, the administrators might need to follow their procedures to enable communication between the deployments.

You can use the command below to add the mentioned entry to the /etc/hosts file:

echo "" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts

Step 5: Deploy air-gapped Ubuntu Pro server

To deploy the air-gapped Ubuntu Pro server, we are going to use the pro-airgapped-server charm. Since this is a machine charm, we have to deploy it on a model on LXD. The first step is to switch to our LXD controller and create a model on that:

juju switch pro-demo-controller
juju add-model pro

After the model is created, we can deploy the pro-airgapped-server charm by running:

juju deploy pro-air-gapped-server

You can watch the model status changes by running juju status --watch 5s.

After the charm is deployed, it will be in a blocked state waiting for an Ubuntu Pro token. You can find your Ubuntu Pro subscription token on the Ubuntu Pro dashboard page. Copy your subscription token, replace the <TOKEN> placeholder in the command below with your token, and run it:

juju config pro-airgapped-server pro-tokens=<TOKEN>

After that, you need to provide the charm with your Livepatch on-prem address. Assuming you are using the same domain, you can run:

juju config pro-airgapped-server entitlements-url-map='{"livepatch": {"remoteServer": ""},"livepatch-onprem": {"remoteServer": ""}}' 

Now, the pro-airgapped-server application status should be active.

We should now create a Juju application offer to allow applications on other Juju models/controllers (i.e., Livepatch on-prem server, in this case) to integrate with the pro-airgapped-server application in the current model. You can simply create an application offer by running:

juju offer pro-airgapped-server:livepatch-server pro-offer

Before we finish this step, we need to take note of the IP address of the pro-airgapped-server application. We will need it later when we are going to set up Ubuntu Pro clients. To find the IP address, you can just run juju status and copy the public IP address printed next to the pro-airgapped-server/0 unit.

Step 6: Enable air-gapped operation on Livepatch on-prem

We should now switch back to the Juju model containing the Livepatch on-prem and finish the integration with the pro-airgapped-server application. To switch to the corresponding model run:

juju switch livepatch-demo-controller

To be able to consume the application offer we created in the previous step, we need to call juju consume command:

juju consume

Now the application offer is ready to be integrated with:

juju integrate livepatch pro-offer

When the integration is done, the status message on the livepatch application will change to “url-template not set”. This is about the URL template that the Livepatch clients can use to download the patch files.

To configure the URL template you can use the command below:

juju config livepatch server.url-template="{filename}"

:information_source: The {filename} placeholder should not be omitted or replaced.

After some time, the Livepatch server should be up and running. You can see this in the Juju model status as the livepatch application status changes to active. To test the running Livepatch on-prem server we can use curl like this:

$ curl
Canonical Livepatch Health service, version v1.14.3

At this point, our Livepatch on-prem server is operating in air-gapped mode and there is no communication with the upstream Livepatch server. The next step is to set up Livepatch clients to speak with our on-prem server.

Step 7: Set up Livepatch client

In a real-world scenario, Livepatch clients run on different machines than those serving the Livepatch on-prem server. Since network configuration is out of the scope of this tutorial, we reuse the VM we have used so far, to install and configure the Livepatch client.

Before proceeding with the Livepatch client, we should first instruct the Ubuntu Pro client on the machine to communicate with the pro-airgapped-server we deployed on an LXD model. To do this replace the <IP> placeholder in the command below with the IP of the pro-airgapped-server you copied in Step 5, and run the command:

sudo sed -i -e 's|contract_url:.*|contract_url: http://<IP>:8484|g' /etc/ubuntu-advantage/uaclient.conf

You should also instruct the Ubuntu Pro client to refresh its internal state:

sudo pro refresh

With Ubuntu Pro client being configured, we are ready to install the Livepatch client:

sudo snap install canonical-livepatch

By default, the Livepatch client is configured to communicate with the upstream Livepatch server. We need to change it so that the client speaks to our Livepatch on-prem server:

sudo canonical-livepatch config remote-server=''

Next, is to call pro attach and provide it with your Ubuntu Pro subscription token. You have already used the same token when configuring the pro-airgapped-server. Replace the <TOKEN> placeholder below with the same token and run the command:

sudo pro attach <TOKEN>

This might fail because we did not fully set up the pro-airgapped-server (e.g., apt repository mirrors). But for our purposes, it is okay and we can continue with enabling Livepatch:

sudo pro enable livepatch

This should finish successfully. We can now check the status of the Livepatch client by running the following command:

$ sudo canonical-livepatch status
last check: 19 seconds ago
kernel: 5.15.0-119.129-generic
server check-in: succeeded

At this point, our Livepatch client is talking to our air-gapped Livepatch on-prem server.

Cleaning up

Since we used Multipass for this tutorial, we only need to delete the created instance:

multipass stop livepatch-deploy
multipass delete --purge livepatch-deploy


In this tutorial, we deployed an air-gapped Livepatch on-prem server, alongside an Ubuntu Pro server enabling air-gapped operations. Then, we configured the Ubuntu Pro client and Livepatch client to communicate with our air-gapped servers.

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